We got back almost three weeks ago. I learned a lot of things while I was there. After our last trip to Costa Rica in 2010 I had this idea that I would like to live there when we retired. After spending a month there I changed my mind. I still love the country and the people there. We had a very good experience but there are just so many things that I don't think I could live WITHOUT for a long period of time. I'm on another vacation right now in Orlando and it is worlds away from where I was less than a month ago (I couldn't live here either - at least not in this part of town)! As most of you know we took a side trip to Panama while we there and I LOVED the part of Panama that we stayed in. The areas outside Bocas del Toro are crushed in poverty and it is depressing; the only other Central American countries that I have seen that type of poverty in is Honduras and Guatemala.
Costa Ricans have the highest standard of living in Central America but I fear that will soon change. The taxes are ridiculous and the wages paid to their people are pathetic. The infrastucture in Panama is much, much better than in Costa Rica while the cost of living is less than 1/2. I fully intend to finish this blog as soon as we get back home. I am going to start looking for work as soon as we get back, too. I can't seem to relax into this whole "unemployed" thing. I need something to keep my mind busy - LOL!
We will be back on Monday and I have a ton of pictures to post and write about.